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Tag: ORC

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – February 2019

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate an industry leader who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedule and having other impressive educational credentials, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading LPC credential.

Crime In Stores: An Unwanted Distraction

Reporting crimes in your stores, without outcomes, is just another cost to your business. It's time to change this. [Editor’s Note: This article is a sponsored editorial submission and is written by the sponsor, not LPM editorial staff.]
Paul Jones Headshot

Today’s Need for Retailers to Engage with NASP to Prevent Shoplifting

Today, more than ever, retailers need solutions to address the ever-growing problem of shoplifting and theft. The criminal justice system has not been effective in solving this. [Sponsored Post]
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