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Tag: online credit card fraud statistics

Checkpoint Systems Debuts MicroFlex: RF Label Protection For Eyewear and Other Hard-to-Tag Retail Merchandise

Checkpoint Systems recently announced at NRF PROTECT 2017 its MicroFlex solution – a unique RF label that is designed to help retailers reduce external...

USS and Above Security Partnership Highlighted at NRF PROTECT 2017 Innovation Room

USS has recently announced its new partnership with global information technology security service provider Above Security, A Hitachi Group company, to offer new cyber...

Nedap: Giveaway Opportunity

Nedap Retail has partnered with several premier distributors of Nedap's EAS/RFID-capable asset protection systems to create an unprecedented giveaway opportunity at this year's NRF PROTECT conference.

FaceFirst: WatchList as a Service

Facial Recognition provider FaceFirst recently announced the launch of WatchList as a Service, a new data platform designed to help retailers prevent shoplifting and violent crime. Visit Booth #430 to learn more.

Previewing the NRF PROTECT 2017 Conference

It's time to pack your business cards and head to Washington, DC: the annual National Retail Federation (NRF) PROTECT Loss Prevention Conference will return...

3SI Security Systems: Deterrence Isn’t Enough

The only surefire way to prevent crimes is to lock up crooks. Visit Booth #1129 to learn more.

Southern Imperial: Bringing New Loss Prevention Solutions to the NRF PROTECT Show

Southern Imperial will be on-site throughout the NRF PROTECT Show to highlight their newest loss prevention solutions. Visit Booth #113 to learn more.

Checkpoint: EVOLVE-Store and Density Tag Innovations

EVOLVE-Store™ is the latest innovation from Checkpoint Systems, involving a real-time app. In addition, the new Density Tag™ from Checkpoint's Alpha high-theft line of products protects valuable items inside packaged merchandise by “sensing” presence through the box. Visit Booth #1001 to learn more.

JVCKENWOOD Announces New Digital ProTalk Portable Radios for Retailers at NRF PROTECT 2017

JVCKENWOOD has recently announced the ProTalk NX-240V16P2 and NX-340U16P2, reportedly the first affordable digital portable radios for retailers, shown at NRF PROTECT 2017 in...

STANLEY Security: Monitoring of STANLEY Guard Personal Safety Solution

STANLEY Security is announcing a new feature of its STANLEY Guard Personal Safety Solution, allowing customers to operate a company-wide personal safety solution without the need for dedicated internal monitoring staff. Visit Booth #413 to learn more.
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