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Tag: online credit card fraud

detecting counterfeit currency

Low Tech Still Works for Detecting Counterfeit Currency

In 2015, $78 million in counterfeit currency was passed in the United States, according to a report by the US Secret Service. Nearly 7o percent of that $78 million was created with the use of digital printing technologies.

EyeOnLP: A Look Back at Secure Stores Forum 2015

LP Magazine served as the media partner for the 2015 Secure Stores Forum and will join the fun once again in 2016.
Fraud Statistics, stores with no loss prevention

Online Credit Card Fraud Costing U.S. Consumers $1.8 Billion a Year

The recently released U.S. Retail Fraud Survey 2015 has reported a substantial increase in online credit card fraud. According to the report, credit card...

Retail Security: Walgreens’ Story Offers Many Lessons

The intriguing story of how Walgreens and its retail security team started preparing for trouble they anticipated in Ferguson, MO – a full six...
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