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Tag: lprc

flea market products

STUDY: Are Flea Market Products Stolen Goods?

Almost 100 flea markets were randomly selected from a guide of 1,000 locations and visited by our teams to assess the availability, pricing, and condition of a high-loss men’s shaving product as example of flea markets and stolen products activity.
retail loss prevention solutions

Which Retail Loss Prevention Solutions Stand the Test of Time?

Why is it that some product protection technologies have been around and working for decades, while other retail loss prevention solutions only seem to work for a few months before offenders aren’t impressed?
ControlTek logo

Solutions Snapshot: CONTROLTEK

For over 40 years, CONTROLTEK has been helping customers solve their business problems in new, efficient and secure ways.
shoplifting and theft

Prevent Shoplifting and Theft with…Music?

In one experiment, Barry Manilow music was broadcast through loudspeakers located in a local parking lot every night between 9 pm and midnight on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
manufacturer to retailer

From Manufacturer to Retailer: Product Protection Is Everyone’s Job

Solutions to address theft and loss are often led from the retailer side of the partnership, but manufacturers do face responsibilities when it comes to product protection. From manufacturer to retailer, product protection is everyone's job.

Solutions Snapshot: CAP Index

Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...
loss prevention procedures

Stop Basing Your Loss Prevention Procedures on Sticky Myths

Sticky myths and slippery truths: these five fallacies can derail a good loss prevention strategy.
CAP Index Logo

Solutions Snapshot: CAP Index

CAP Index helps security, loss prevention, and risk management professionals objectively measure, thoroughly analyze, and proactively manage locations, assets, and crime risks.
point-of-sale activation

Why Point-of-Sale Activation Technology Has Been Heralded as a Kingmaker

In a world where opposites attract, denial of service could be a force for good and put to commercial use, particularly in retail where organized retail crime gangs and opportunist thieves have had a free hand at disrupting legitimate business.
Paul Jones Headshot

Today’s Need for Retailers to Engage with NASP to Prevent Shoplifting

Today, more than ever, retailers need solutions to address the ever-growing problem of shoplifting and theft. The criminal justice system has not been effective in solving this. [Sponsored Post]
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