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Encourage LP Career Poll

Mainstreaming Retail Loss Prevention as a Career

Retail loss prevention can build the foundation for a great career. Emerging as a profession stocked with quality individuals and diverse opportunities. Today’s loss...
Charleston SC

Loss Prevention Enjoys a Week in Charleston

Charleston, South Carolina was the place to be for loss prevention leadership last week, with back-to-back-to-back meetings that supported the Retail Industry Leaders Association...

Attracting Talent to Loss Prevention as a First Choice

"I’m looking for a career in retail loss prevention.” That particular comment hasn’t appeared on too many surveys received by the typical high school guidance...
Charleston SC

Charleston Currently Hosting Multiple Loss Prevention Leadership Events

The excitement is building in Charleston, South Carolina this week in anticipation of the back-to-back-to-back meetings that are taking place to support the Retail...

EAS Solutions: Maximizing Your Technology Investment

Today’s loss prevention executives have access to a wider, more robust array of technologies. Along with the technology selection, the procurement process is changing...

LPRC Members Converge on Seattle to Tour Amazon and Microsoft

A contingent of twenty-five members of the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC), representing fifteen different retailers, spent two days in early August touring one...

Implementing IP Cameras and Access Control Systems

Loss prevention leaders are looking for solutions that are both affordable and capable of meeting the escalating demands of the business, but must also...

RILA Report Finds Critical Role for Buyers in Retail Shrink Reduction

A report released by the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) outlines the important role that retail buyers, also known as merchants, can play in reducing...
Bob DiLonardo Image

Loss Prevention Consulting

Robert L. "Bob" DiLonardo is the principal of Retail Consulting Partners LLC and a well-known authority on the electronic article surveillance business, cost justification...

And Our Survey Says…

What do you think about the top issues facing loss prevention professionals or the retail industry in general? If you could change one aspect...
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