Tag: lp magazine
Faking It: Turning Our Loss Prevention Focus to Counterfeit Merchandise
Any international retailer working in luxury brands today will tell you that the genteel days when imitation was seen as the sincerest form of...
Tragic Consequences Can Result When Shoplifting Escalates
Shoplifting and related retail crimes are often perceived by the general public as a minor nuisance rather than a multi-billion dollar problem. But as...
Alternatives for Preventing Retail Theft
Sponsored Editorial
Lucia Summers, PhD, is an assistant professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Texas State University. Her specialist research areas include the...
Growing the Magazine Staff
Like most start-ups, when we launched the magazine fifteen years ago, we operated on a shoestring. With just two or three on the payroll,...
Data Breaches: A Look Back, a Glimpse Forward
There are many different kinds of stories that dot the digital landscape, many highlighting the scope and reach of loss prevention in the new...
Retail Theft and the Science of Stealing
When thinking of retail theft, many envision teenagers shoplifting candy bars. Obviously, it’s much more than that. More than $44 billion in merchandise goes...
Staying Informed: Is It Really That Important to Your LP Career?
If we took a hard look at what we consider to be important when building our LP career, where would staying on top of...
Staying Informed: Is It Really That Important?
If it wasn't your company, would it matter to you which retailers were breached over the last six months, or how it has impacted...
LP Magazine Expands Loss Prevention News and Media Team
LP Magazine continues to expand its expertise and leadership role in the media, publishing and loss prevention news space through its two most recent...
Is the Rise of Organized Retail Crime a Product of Soft Sentencing?
During a panel discussion on organized retail crime (ORC), the panel discussed current ORC issues, legislation, coalitions, online sales of stolen property, and industry...