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Tag: lp magazine

NRF PROTECT 2016 Day 1

NRF PROTECT 2016 is officially under way at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. Featuring 2 ½ days of compelling educational sessions, networking opportunities...
US Flag

Join Us in Celebrating Flag Day

In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14th of each year, commemorating the date of the original adoption of the American...

Fashion Brand Fossil Expands, Moves Towards Omni-Channel

Fashion accessory retailer Fossil began as a wholesale business in the 1980s but has since become a strong retail presence in its own right....

Improving Store Security: Considering Facial Recognition Quality and Cost

Facial recognition technology could provide huge benefits when it comes to retail store security. When used properly, someone caught stealing can be stopped by...
Source Tagging Symposium 2016 Colin Peacock

2016 Source Tagging Symposium Continues the Collaboration of Retailers and Manufacturers in Stopping Organized...

Representatives of retailers and consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers spent Tuesday, May 10, hearing updates from last year’s directives for addressing source tagging initiatives...
Facial Recognition Loss Prevention Technology Retail Security

Facial Recognition Using Security Camera Software

First impressions count, as we often make instant judgments about people from their appearances. Their non-verbal communication—features, postures, and the clothes that they wear—speaks...
LP Magazine Preview Cover June 2001

Concept for LP Magazine Introduced at June, 2001, NRF Conference in Vancouver

It was fifteen years ago this month at the National Retail Federation (NRF) loss prevention conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, that Loss Prevention magazine – the first magazine dedicated to LP professionals – was first introduced to the industry.

The NRF Asks FTC for a Data Security Inquiry

Credit cards and other advanced forms of payment have emerged as one of the driving forces behind the explosion of the global economy. However,...
retail store security, retail store safety

Retail Security and the Threat of Terror

In recent years, terror attacks seem to have targeted highly populated commercial venues rather than government facilities or symbolic sites. Kenya in 2013, Paris...

Breaking Data Breaches by Building Bridges

“When it comes to dealing with data breaches and other data security issues in the business world, there are basically two kinds of companies–Those...
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