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organized retail crime associations

Organized Retail Crime Associations Network with Law Enforcement at Fusion Center

The 2016 National Retail Federation (NRF) PROTECT Conference, which convened in Philadelphia in June, marked the seventh time that eBay’s Global Asset Protection (GAP)...

Pulling Our SOKS Up and Getting Over the Finnish Line

Much of Europe has been to the polls in general or presidential elections since January 2015, and the stakes have never been higher in...
loss prevention research council, loss prevention strategies

LPRC’s Mission: To Improve LP Strategies and Interventions

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC), along with the University of Florida’s Crime Prevention Research Team, share a common mission: to improve the ways...
identity theft protection

The EU’s Offensive on Organized Crime Educates on the Dangers of Identity Theft, Tax...

In 2015, the EU launched an educational offensive to explain the dangers of organized crime – what it is and how to tackle it...
Retail Channel Management

Redefining Retail Channel Management

As the retail industry evolves, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are becoming only a small piece of a multifaceted environment. Those shops that remain have begun...

How to Succeed with Loss Prevention Analytics

Loss prevention and asset protection practitioners know that their roles have shifted completely since the old days of catching shoplifters. These days, LP responsibilities...

Pioneering Loss Prevention Technology is an Attitude

“Leading the way” has become an overused catchphrase for all kinds of products and services, whether it’s new concepts and ideas, new jobs, new...
Cyber Crime Data Security

Cyber Crime’s ORC Connection

Retailers struggle with cyber crime and organized retail crime (ORC) on a regular basis. But how do these illegal behaviors relate to one another....

Cyber Security Experts Discuss the Challenges of Dealing with Data Breaches

A 2014 panel of four cyber security experts discussed evolving data security threats to the retail industry and the challenges of dealing with data breach...

When Tragedy Strikes the Loss Prevention Community

On the evening of April 10, 2016, a shoplifting suspect was attempting to steal three flatscreen televisions from a metro Atlanta Walmart when he...
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