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LPM Excellence Recognizes Kris Vece, LPQ, for Partnerships

Through relationships cultivated over the years and a dedicated focus on excellence, Kris Vece has earned a reputation as an outstanding partner and industry expert.

LPM Excellence Recognizes Fred Mullen for Leadership

Fred Mullen began his career as a security officer for Marshalls distribution center in 1978, forging his own career path and taking on positions with increasing responsibility ever since.
video surveillance cameras

Video Surveillance Cameras: Seeing the Big Picture

An expert shares insights on building effective video surveillance systems and how to get the most out of existing systems to help maximize retailers' options and investment.
bad packaging design

Bad Packaging Design Can Lead to Shrink

Few things are as frustrating for a loss prevention leader than discovering a bad packaging design they know will promote retail shrink— a feature which...
Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Booster bags, or so-called “magic bags,” continue to be one of the more popular shoplifting methods used by professional thieves. These foil-lined carriers work...

Sears Holding Corporation Joins Growing List of Sponsors for the LPF Swing for Certification...

The Loss Prevention Foundation is pleased to announce Sears Holding Corporation has joined the growing list of sponsors for the “Swing for Certification” golf...

Is ORC on the Rise? Just Ask Your Store Associates.

If organized retail crime (ORC) continues to plague retailers as recent studies indicate, why are some retailers cutting their ORC investigative staff and seemingly...
What Is A Shoplifter, people who steal, retail store theft

Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?

When asked “What is a shoplifter?”, most readers of the LPM Insider probably have a pretty good idea of how to respond. I do...
cyber attack response plan

Why Sharing Threat Details Needs to Be Part of Your Cyber Attack Response Plan

Sometimes you have to think and act like a criminal to disrupt and defeat the activities of the real bad guys. Conversely, it is...
online fencing crime

Online Sellers’ Red Flags Can Point to Fencing Crime

Perhaps the most widely known criminal on our radar is the fence. A fence is an individual who knowingly buys stolen property for later...
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