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Tag: loss prevention

signet jewelers brands

LP and Risk Management for Signet Jewelers Brands

EDITORS NOTE: Kevin Valentine, CFI, LPC, retired at the end of 2017 as senior vice president of internal audit, loss prevention, and enterprise risk...
loss prevention issues

Loss Prevention Issues Are Law Enforcement Issues

According to a 2017 National Retail Federation survey, organized retail crime (ORC) is on the rise. That's useful information for corporate industry executives, but loss prevention professionals in stores—those who see loss prevention issues like ORC every day—are well aware of the problem.

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – September 2018

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate these 12 industry leaders who recently obtained their certifications.
vendor-retailer relationship

3 Pitfalls That Will Cause Your Vendor-Retailer Relationship to Fail

The vendor-retailer relationship is complicated, time-consuming, and sometimes frustrating. But if it's the right relationship, it can be mutually beneficial and everyone is happy—or at least minimally dissatisfied, depending on your perspective.

Amberstone Acquires Cardinal Security Business

The business and assets of Cardinal Security Limited have recently been acquired by Amberstone. The result will see the creation of Amberstone Guarding, a new addition to the business's existing electronic security solutions offering.
what is sensor fusion

What is Sensor Fusion—and How Should Retail Use It?

“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” We’ve all heard some form of the “Duck Test” before. We use the folksy expression when we want to get to the heart of the matter and clearly describe something for what it is.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Anticipating Denials (Part 1 of 4)

It's amazing how witty we are when it's twenty seconds too late. But when we're in that room and people are uncomfortable, we need to anticipate both emphatic and explanatory denials, handle them properly, and return to rationalization.

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces Newest Associate-Level Partner

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) announced its newest Associate-Level Partner, Prime Communications, Inc.
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