Tag: loss prevention
Getting to Know You
EDITOR'S NOTE: Our annual magazine editorial board meeting was held in Philadelphia on October 10-12, 2018. The three-day event was colocated with our friends...
Fundamental LP Knowledge
Sue Read's loss prevention career spans twenty-three years, starting as a part-time store detective with Value City department stores while earning her degree at...
Plan to Win
Every loss prevention and asset protection team puts together some kind of "plan to win." As we've discussed before, there is too much at...
Kazuya Ohara, LPC Named Director of Asset Protection at Tony’s Finer Foods
Kazuya Ohara, LPC was recently named director of asset protection for Chicago-based Tony’s Finer Foods. Ohara is the former senior manager, analytics & shrink...
Are Security Guards Disrupting Your Holiday Season? (Protos Security)
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year for many, but for loss prevention officials, there is no rest. No other time of...
Marrying Video, Analytics, and Customized Solutions for Smarter Locations, Superior Results (LP Innovations)
Whether hospitality or retail, you need to maximize profit. A retailer needs to understand why seventy people walk by the store, but only three...
Supply-Chain Security: Getting Back to the Basics (7P Solutions)
The daily life of an LP professional continues to become more and more complicated managing complex supply chains, global markets, risks, increased e-commerce, big...
Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time many years ago when I was very young, ASIS announced a new certification program called the CPP, which stood for...
Finding Answers through Research
Research in the loss prevention industry is alive and well on both sides of the Atlantic. Several organizations are growing our body of knowledge...