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Tag: loss prevention

SS Intelligent LP Nov 15 Image

Research Shows the Turtle Is Effective at Preventing Theft of High-Loss Products (Intelligent Loss...

The Turtle is a multi-functional EAS tag device that is used to secure packaged goods or display products. The Turtle emits a pre-alarm upon...
SS Digilock Image 1 Nov 15

Providing a State-of-the-Art Secure Personal Storage Solution for Retail (Digilock)

Digilock® is a global leader in delivering high-performance electronic locks and locker-security solutions that use patented technology on either a keypad or an RFID...
Dr. Lucia Summers Image

Good Sensors Lead to Good Data

They're out there, and they're headed our way. In the last column, I discussed how we need to improve our data to improve our...

Things to Consider

This column will discuss a series of broad topics of things to consider as we face the rapidly changing future of retail loss prevention....

Racial Profiling Continues to Give the Retail Industry a Black Eye

That lightning-rod phrase that will make the best loss prevention professional cringe—racial profiling—has hit the news again as we enter the height of the...
Cita Doyle Image

Forging Partnerships

This is another in a series of interviews with working professionals who have earned their LPQ or LPC certifications from the Loss Prevention Foundation...

Staying Connected to the Field

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mike Silveira is vice president of loss prevention for CVS Health. Prior to CVS, he held numerous management positions with Home Depot. EDITOR:...
Diversity Image

Diversity Management in Loss Prevention: Are We Keeping Pace?

The retail industry is built around diverse products, services, cultures, and customers as we continue to look for ways to meet the complex needs...

Social Engineering Attacks Remain the Primary Vehicle for Retail Data Breach

Assuming that basic technical blocking-and-tackling issues are addressed,like not having SQL injection exploitable databases, limiting brute force attempts, and using robust egress traffic monitoring/data...
EAS Study Image

LP Executives Asked to Participate in the First-Ever Global Electronic Article Surveillance Study

For over thirty years, electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems have been used by retailers to tackle theft. A first-of-its-kind survey aims to learn from...
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