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Tag: loss prevention qualifications

Made from Scratch

In the summer of 1969, Dan Evins came up with his old country store idea while driving his family down to the Atlanta (Georgia) Zoo. The...
The Quest for Excellence at Saks Fifth Avenue

The Quest for Excellence at Saks Fifth Avenue

EDITORS NOTE:Rosamaria Sostilio is vice president of asset protection for Saks Fifth Avenue. She manages the corporate and field organizations and is responsible for...
Boosting Employee Shrinkage and Safety Awareness in the DC Environment

Boosting Employee Shrinkage and Safety Awareness in the DC Environment

Four major retailers discovered that reducing losses in their distribution centers (DCs) boiled down to one primary challenge—getting associates to take responsibility and accountability...
Delivering the Corporate Mission

Delivering the Corporate Mission

EDITORS NOTE: Roger Osborne is general manager of store operations at Hollywood Entertainment. He is in charge of the entire Hollywood Video field operations...
Developing Talent at Circuit City

Developing Talent at Circuit City

In today’s knowledge and service economy, successful business organizations recognize the importance of on going development, education, and training. But, thoseworthwhile goals are not...
Gems of Leadership for Loss Prevention

Gems of Leadership for Loss Prevention

EDITORS NOTE: Richard Mellor is divisional vice president of loss prevention at Helzberg Diamonds based in Kansas City, Missouri. He assumed this position in...
Thinking Outside the Small Box

Thinking Outside the Small Box

Brad Seehoffer, district loss prevention manager for thirty-eight Big Lots stores in upstate New York and Pennsylvania, remembers the good old days of loss...

Leveraging People, Technology, and Relationships

The core of this article focuses on the impact of cutting-edge technology and technical analysts working in Hollywood Entertainment’s loss prevention department. However, these...
Getting the Job Done: The Go-To People Inside LP

Getting the Job Done: The Go-To People Inside LP

EDITOR’S NOTE: In each issue of LossPrevention, we have conducted an interview of a senior retail executive. For a different perspective, we decided to...
Implementing an e-Learning Strategy for Loss Prevention Training

Implementing an e-Learning Strategy for Loss Prevention Training

In today’s economy, cutbacks, downsizing, and store closings have become a common means to streamline the bottom line of today’s retailers. Nowhere more than...
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