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Tag: loss prevention certifications

target loss prevention programs

Target Store Loss Prevention Programs

Target store loss prevention programs come in a variety of names, shapes, sizes, and formats.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Why Victims Don’t Report

Here's one unfortunate reason: "If I work in a building with 500 people, surely somebody else will say something. It doesn't have to be me."
credit card fraud scam

Two Credit Card Fraud Scams LP Should Know About

Because the retail industry relies so heavily on credit transactions, it is particularly affected by credit card fraud scams.

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Legality of Interviewing

If you're unfamiliar with any of these laws, or how your company or organization handles them, now would be a great time to visit that with your legal team or your human resources team to make sure everybody's on the same page.
cargo crime

In-Transit Cargo Crime Risks and Repercussions

Envision the following scenario. You are at home around 8:15 at night watching television with your wife or kids when the phone rings. The...
video surveillance cameras

Video Surveillance Cameras: Seeing the Big Picture

An expert shares insights on building effective video surveillance systems and how to get the most out of existing systems to help maximize retailers' options and investment.

Interview and Interrogation Training: The HR Investigation and Collaboration

We need to be collaborating with those business partners who are tasked with some of the most difficult investigations: those dealing with harassment, violence, or hostility in the workplace.
Cargo loss prevention, retail shortage

How to Analyze Retail Shortage Control Measures in the Supply Chain

The bedrock upon which healthy retailers are built is the supply chain that provides the goods to be sold. A retailer’s competitiveness, then, or...
bad packaging design

Bad Packaging Design Can Lead to Shrink

Few things are as frustrating for a loss prevention leader than discovering a bad packaging design they know will promote retail shrink— a feature which...
interview closing statement, interviewer performance

How to Craft a Flawless Interview Closing Statement after an Investigation

A well-crafted statement freezes the moment of the admission or confession, providing the reader a snapshot into the mind of the guilty party.
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