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Tag: loss prevention certifications

How to Protect Your Cargo Logistics Network from Thieves

Retailers often ask, “Why should I care so much about preventing thefts when I don’t own the merchandise until you deliver it?” The answer is because you, the retailer, stand to lose the most.
how to manage inventory

How to Manage Inventory: Shrink Visibility

At a time when store margins are under intense competitive pressure, retail shrink can make or break a retailer's bottom line. But retail shrink numbers are vulnerable to blind spots and imprecise metrics.
loss prevention executive

How to Sell Your Proposal to a Senior Loss Prevention Executive

While it would be impossible to give an exact formula for success in every company and project, it is reasonable to explore a framework that can be used to increase our chance at getting our proposal approved and implemented.
retail shoplifting policies and procedures, company security policy

Retail Shoplifting Policies and Procedures

For this benchmarking survey, the authors looked at how some of the biggest retailers in the US are experiencing shoplifting, violence associated with these incidents, and the shoplifting policies and procedures put in place to manage these issues.
Inventory Shrinkage inventory control job description

Inventory Control Job Description and Responsibilities

If you work in inventory control, your job description likely includes some combination of the responsibilities described in this post.
loss prevention manual

Lessons Learned to Help You Tackle a Loss Prevention Manual

Writing a loss prevention manual — or rehabilitating a long-forgotten one — is no easy task. But trying to operate without one can also be pretty complicated.

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Agitated Interviewer

This week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip from the archives has Dave Thompson, CFI, discussing the effect of an interviewer becoming agitated or aggravated during an interview or interrogation.
shoplifting penalties

Shoplifting Penalties Rarely Benefit Retailers These Days

Various factors, including tight budgets, increases in serious crime, and shrinking availability of patrols have affected police procedures and shoplifting penalties.
active shooter plan

Active Shooter: Is Having A Plan Enough?

These tragic events remind each of us of the unpredictable nature of troubled minds and the vulnerability that comes with getting caught up in chance circumstances.
retail loss, inventory shrinkage definition

The 60-Second Guide to Total Retail Loss

There is no agreed-upon definition of what constitutes "shrinkage." Most estimates are based only upon measures of merchandise losses where the cause is unknown. The total retail loss concept offers a new definition of loss.
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