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Tag: loss prevention certifications

10 Tips for Building a Better Resume

The resume has to be more than an accumulation of dates and facts. It has to tell a story. It has to grab attention. It has to send a message. But it also has to be honest and genuine.

How to Calculate Shrinkage in Retail

Understanding how to calculate shrinkage in retail is important. However, understanding why it is important to control these results and how we can impact company profitability by both improving sales and controlling retail shrinkage is the key to success.

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Five Types of Lies

When trying to obtain the truth from a dishonest employee or other interview, we typically see five types of lies. Here they are.

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

On the anniversary of each Pearl Harbor Day, I always think of my first mentor in loss prevention. His name was Lane Cooke, and...

NIOSH: The Science of Safety in the Workplace

Editor's Note: As we continue to work through the diverse challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s essential that all of us diligently explore...
Goodwill store

Let’s “Talk Trash” – How Loss Prevention Is Helping Communities

In the multi-billion dollar thrift store industry, donations of merchandise can be a loss prevention nightmare.
help needed in a crisis situation post-incident management

Then What? 7 Tips for Post-Incident Management

Retailers also need a post-incident management game plan for when the waters recede and the immediate threat is squelched. Is your retail organization ready for the “Then what?”

Maturing into Your Career: What That Really Means

What does it really mean to excel as a professional? Many of us will attempt to measure the quality of our career in terms...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Rationalizing in the Third Person

This International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Dave Thompson, CFI discussing the importance of rationalizing in the third person. When we rationalize with the subject, what we’re doing is we’re allowing them to save face while we’re showing understanding.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Withholding Evidence

This International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, has Dave Thompson, CFI, discussing the importance of withholding key evidence during an interview or interrogation. The term "withholding" really means keeping the information within the investigative resources. By not releasing that information to your subject, it gives you several advantages in the conversation.
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