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Tag: loss prevention audits

inventory shrinkage, how to calculate shrinkage in retail, loss prevention audits

How Loss Prevention Audits Are Used

Too often, there is a failure to acknowledge achievements during the audit process, which as a result tends to emphasize a negative undertone. This tendency can and will influence the entire process.
loss prevention business strategy

Doing More with Less? Loss Prevention Business Myths vs. Reality

Over the past few years, the mantra of "doing more with less" has become so ingrained in corporate and business jargon that it goes...

Supporting the Mission of Giving Back to the Community

Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago is one of the largest of more than 180 independently operating Goodwill agencies in North America in terms...

Leveraging People, Technology, and Relationships

The core of this article focuses on the impact of cutting-edge technology and technical analysts working in Hollywood Entertainment’s loss prevention department. However, these...
What’s Ahead in Technology in 2003?

Whats Ahead in Technology in 2003?

In the mid- to late-1990s, great strides in computer and telecommunications technology gave rise to an array of cutting-edge security solutions in all areas...
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