Tag: inventory controls
Loss Prevention Issues, Challenges, and Predictions in 2018
What does 2018 look like for the loss prevention industry? Consumers expect products to be available immediately, brick-and-mortar retailers are focused on differentiating themselves...
The Year Ahead in LP
This is truly a transformative time in retail. With mounting expectations on product availability and escalating demands on service and convenience, the way people...
No One Winning Approach to Loss Prevention Culture
“I have worked in loss prevention for a number of years now and recently joined a new company. At my new company, I have...
Taking Retail Loss Prevention Strategies to a Whole New Industry
Chris McDonald is the senior vice president of loss prevention for Compass Group North America. He came to Compass Group in April 2012 after...
Alcohol Retailing in the Wine and Spirits Industry
The wine and spirits segment of retail is unique in the sense that few other goods available in retail stores are so tightly controlled...
Head, Heart, and Hands: Best Buy’s Approach to Distribution Center Loss Prevention
Best Buy’s executive management realized some years ago that the challenges and approaches to loss prevention at our fast-growing chain of retail stores—there are...
Understanding the Impact of RFID on Retail
Over the past few years, it has been hard to pick up a newspaper or magazine without seeing an article about RFID. Publications such...