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Tag: internal and external theft


The U.S. Navy Exchange—Loss Prevention with a Family Touch, Global Reach

Here is a quick quiz—Name a multi-billion-dollar global retailer that is consistently profitable, has had only one owner in 200 years, offers attractive wages and benefits (medical/dental/life...

Supporting the Mission of Giving Back to the Community

Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago is one of the largest of more than 180 independently operating Goodwill agencies in North America in terms...

Shrinkage Awareness – Communications with an Edge

In a large organization like JCPenney, new hires are immediately given a tidal wave of information on policies, procedures, scheduling, customer service, and register training as...

Six Steps to a Successful Loss Prevention Program, Part 4

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of articles discussing a strategic approach to formulating a targeted loss prevention program. The first part appeared...

12 Months Into Becoming World Class

Many loss prevention professionals begin their career in established departments where they are lured to the structured succession planning, continuing programs, and enduring policies. However,...
Growth the New Shrink

Growth: The New Shrink

United Kingdom clothing chain New Look is to retail what Madonna is to contemporary music—a brand that is successfully reinventing itself as an iconic...
ORC Theft

Connecting Retailers to Combat Organized Retail Theft

Loss prevention has traditionally focused on shortage reduction through an emphasis on internal theft, external shoplifting, and operational controls. Resources to prevent these losses...

The European Road Map—Managing Stock Loss in the Retail Sector

If shrinkage management could be viewed as a journey, then recent European experience would be one not only lacking a final destination, but one plagued by...

The Human Factor

In a merger completed just over a year ago joining two of the largest office supply product companies, Boise Office Solutions and OfficeMax, a lot of...
Targeting Shrinkage with a Comprehensive Loss Prevention Program for High-Risk Stores

Targeting Shrinkage with a Comprehensive Program for High-Risk Stores

Despite a difficult second half for most retailers, Stage Stores, Inc. achieved solid financial results during fiscal 2002. A weak economy and declining consumer...
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