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Tag: electronic article surveillance systems manufacturers

Distribution Center loss prevention

Go Beyond the Basics with Your Distribution Center Loss Prevention Team

Distribution center loss prevention provides a unique challenge to the industry. As with all LP programs, the distribution center loss prevention team is tasked with...

USS Reveals LPRC Tactical Tagging Study Results

USS has recently unveiled the results of a recent study conducted by the Loss Prevention Retail Council (LPRC), to test the benefits of their...

CONTROLTEK Releases EAS Tag Specifically Designed for Small Leather Goods

CONTROLTEK has recently announced the release of an electronic article surveillance (EAS) tag made specifically for small leather goods, reportedly the first of its...
new technology in retail

New Technology in Retail Offers Many Possibilities

New technology in retail loss prevention emerges regularly. In this profession, it's important to stay abreast of any new technologies that may show potential and...

When Ordinary Things Get Smart

A ton of great smart tech was on display at the National Retail Federation’s Big Show in January, from wearables to the Internet of...
retail asset protection

From Security to Loss Prevention to Retail Asset Protection to Profit Enhancement

The retail loss prevention industry has seen a pronounced evolution through the years. It is very different today than in the past, and it will...
retail employee engagement

Improving Retail Employee Engagement Can Help Manage Loss

For the majority of retailers, loss is an inevitable part of doing business. What form this loss takes and, critically, how much it costs...
security systems for retail stores

Using Fact-Based Research to Test Loss Prevention Equipment

Are you in charge of your company's technology budget? How do you know whether the new loss prevention equipment you've just rolled out in...

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 3

Here we are at the third and final installment of the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I had indicated in the first...

Breaking the Retail Shrinkage Life Cycle

For those of who have been in the loss prevention business for a number of years, you are surely familiar with the retail shrinkage...
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