Tag: diversity
Honoring Black History Month: Khris Hamlin Reflects on Heritage and Commitment
This month serves as a reminder of the resilience, innovation, and leadership demonstrated by Black individuals throughout history.
How to Interview Subjects from Different Cultures
Revisit the previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss the difficulties of conducting interviews with subjects from another culture and the different ways messages can get lost in translation.
Building Strength in the Security Profession Through Diversity
Founded in 1982 by six security professionals who saw a need to educate and introduce minority professionals to the opportunities that existed in the security field, the primary mission of IOBSE is to “impart professional resources to aid in the integration of security management into business operations.”
It Takes All Kinds of Minds
Whether the product of new ideas or the acceleration of plans already in motion, retail is evolving quickly.
Celebrating Pride Month in Loss Prevention
LGBTQ+ Pride is celebrated in the month of June and the LP industry continues to increase diversity and inclusion efforts.
Helping Women Advance in LP Management
Be honest with your employees about cultural issues you are having and that you are trying to make steps to address these issues.
Attracting and Developing Diverse Talent: Target’s AP Leader Oscar Arango
Oscar Arango is vice president of assets protection at Target. His thirty years of experience includes loss prevention management roles with Timberland and Urban Outfitters prior to Target.
Leveraging Diversity to Enhance the Customer Shopping Experience
At Meijer, we are dedicated to enriching lives in the communities we serve. Fulfilling this goal begins with a focus on serving people—in the workplace, in our stores, and in our communities. Our approach to diversity and inclusion, as well as asset protection, impacts our ability to deliver on this goal.
Day 1 of the 2019 NRF PROTECT Loss Prevention Conference and Expo
“Over the next several days loss prevention professionals will have the opportunity to equip themselves with valuable industry knowledge, techniques, and the latest technologies so they can tackle their biggest loss prevention challenges” said NRF executive Bob Moraca.