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Tag: asset protection

The 10th Annual New England Loss Prevention Expo Recap

The 10th Annual – and recently rebranded – New England Loss Prevention Expo was held Thursday, September 15, 2016 at the DCU Center in...

Loss Prevention in the New Millennium

Loss Prevention magazine launched its first issue in the fall of 2001. I had the good fortune to contribute to that edition and author...

Social Media Monitoring for Brand Threats and Suspicious Activity

The statistics are in, and the results boast resounding numbers. According to Eric Qualman, author of Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We...

A Profile in Partnership (Protos Security)

Ten years ago the asset protection team at Advance Auto Parts, a leading automotive aftermarket parts provider in North America, sat in a room...

The Magazine, Certification, Baseball, and C-Suite Arrogance

EDITOR’S NOTE: James “Jim” Lee, LPC, is the executive editor and cofounder of LP Magazine. Lee has over thirty years of practical experience as...
Crisis Management Plan, Crisis Leadership

Crisis Management: What Walgreens, 7-Eleven, and Other Crisis-Prepared Retailers Have in Common

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland painted a grim picture of the nation’s safety. The candidate recited a laundry...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Telephone Interviewing Tips

In this week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, we have Chris Norris, CFI discussing telephone interviewing and...

Drive Better Results in Your Company and Career

Weston Pate, LPC, is a zone manager, asset and profit protection (APP) for Kmart in the New York/Connecticut area. He is responsible for implementing...
Rosamaria Sostilio Image

Rosamaria Sostilio Named Vice President of Loss Prevention for Barnes & Noble

Rosamaria Sostilio has been named Vice President of Loss Prevention for Barnes & Noble. Rosamaria was most recently the Senior Vice President of Asset...
lp magazine

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention

Based on another project, I have spent two months combing over every issue of Loss Prevention magazine. Being a reader from the very beginning...
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