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Tag: asset protection


Solutions Snapshot: DTiQ

Solution providers offer a wide spectrum of mission-critical products and services designed to help meet the rising demands of the asset protection function and...
Tom Rittman

LPM Excellence Recognizes Tom Rittman for Partnerships

"Partnerships are best when you create solutions without limitations. We should always try to go above and beyond."

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Legality of Interviewing

If you're unfamiliar with any of these laws, or how your company or organization handles them, now would be a great time to visit that with your legal team or your human resources team to make sure everybody's on the same page.

Kroger Asset Protection Employees Receive LPC Certification Scholarships to Support Career Advancement

Kroger, in partnership with the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF), recently awarded LPCertified (LPC) scholarships to employees to support their career and personal development. Through...
Melissa Wacha

LPM Excellence Recognizes Melissa Wacha for Leadership

"I find it admirable when people in leadership roles aren't afraid to ask questions, get hands-on with their teams to work on new innovation, or step out of their comfort zones to see how new technology or automation can impact the business in a digital world"

Solutions Snapshot: PPS – Product Protection Solutions

With more than 60 years of combined EAS, logistics and finance experience, PPS is a formidable ally to have.
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