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Tag: artificial intelligence

The Coronavirus and Its Predictable Future for Retail

A new study indicated that the coronavirus could impact over 5 million businesses worldwide. Eighty-seven percent of USA companies with operations in China expect the outbreak to negatively impact revenue. Of that number, 24% expect declines of 16% or more. The impact on retail could be significant.

What Lenders Can Learn from Sears and Walmart

The divergence of digitization in commercial lending is comparable to the retail wars of the past three decades. Consider the different paths of Sears and Walmart.
Zebra SmartSight system

4 Retail Trends Seen at the NRF 2020: Retail’s Big Show

They don’t call it the Big Show for nothing. There were over 40,000 people in attendance from all over the world to talk retail, technology, strategy, and the future at the National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show hosted in New York City January 12–14. Here are four of the biggest trends that will impact retailers in 2020.

2020 Crystal Ball: 3 Predictions for the Retail Industry

The last decade saw a remarkable amount of innovation in the LP and AP space. Numerous teams found themselves asked to do “more with less,” including increasing productivity with the same resources. Various technology solutions emerged to help labor-strapped LP teams do so, and we will continue to see their adoption throughout the next decade.

7 Cybersecurity Predictions for Retail in 2020 and Beyond

The rapid change in retail is making it increasingly difficult for us to mitigate risk of cyberattacks. We must remain vigilant and take a balanced approach that focuses on prevention and how we respond to a cyber event. Here are some trends to consider.

The Future Is Now: Retail’s Revolution and Ramifications for LP

When getting the future right is a matter of real consequence, when it has the power to steer loss prevention down the right or wrong path, clickbait forecasting feels insufficient. A deeper perspective on the dynamics that are driving retail change, and on the foundation upon which changes will emerge, seems a better guide.

Detective Analytics Launches New Crime-Linking Network

Detective Analytics launched an innovative new tool in the fight against ORC with the Detective Analytics Crime Linking Network (DACLN). An artificial intelligence-powered network, the DACLN is an industry-wide organized retail crime linking and alerting network that works without ever sharing any data between retailers.

9 Current Trends in the Ever-Evolving Retail Business

We have heard for years that brick and mortar retail is dead or dying as we know it. Well, forecasters must not have gotten that message. Multiple forecasts predict holiday sales and overall 2019 sales will grow significantly over 2018. It doesn’t look like retail is dead or dying, but it is rapidly changing and evolving to keep up with consumers needs and changing habits.
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