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LP Magazine Hosts ORCA Technology Innovation Summit

Communication and information sharing are at the heart of the ORCA mission.

Organized retail crime associations (ORCAs) across the nation are working diligently to enhance investigations and build cooperative relationships in the battle against organized retail crime. Considering the growing impact on our retailers and our communities, these critical organizations underscore an increased effort on the part of retailers, law enforcement agencies, retail associations, and district attorneys to work together to confront organized retail crime issues at the local, state, and regional levels.

As emphasized as part of the recent National ORCA Leadership Conference, communication and information sharing are at the heart of this mission, but finding the right technology tools that support these diverse needs, are user-friendly, efficient, highly secure, and affordable is a tremendous challenge for these important groups that often operate on limited budgets. These types of solutions require exceptional partners with means and resources to provide an effective and secure platform, those that understand the mission, and are willing to work with the ORCAs to bring it all together.

As part of our ongoing support for the Organized Retail Crime Associations (ORCAs) across the nation, LP Magazine hosted an ORCA Technology Innovation Summit on Wednesday, September 16th, bringing together ORCA leadership teams to meet in a closed session with controlled access. Six solution providers that offer data management, data sharing, and data analytics were invited to attend. Some offer artificial intelligence, some with facial recognition, and all with capabilities to meet the critical needs of the ORCAs and their membership. Among the solution providers that participated in the summit included:

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• Netsential
• Auror
• Detective Analytics
• Treuth
• Ministry of Ideas/Innovise
• Appriss

Each presentation was limited to a strict 15-minute schedule with each solution provider. To be most economical with the allotted time that each solution provider had available, questions regarding the solutions were not asked during the live event. However, each member of ORCA leadership was provided access to a question and answer document to submit any questions regarding the solutions. The questions and comments will be gathered by LP Magazine and presented to the solution providers for follow-up and further action.

Every ORCA is working hard to make the best and most informed decisions regarding the needs of their members and the community as a whole, and these meetings only further indicate that we are on the right path. Having the best possible technology solutions is an important aspect of this mission, and we are grateful for the efforts of the ORCAs and the participation of these solution providers in making this such a successful venture. We were very excited by the exceptional quality of both the solution providers and the prospective offerings that were presented at this event, and by the enthusiasm and participation of the ORCA leadership, with almost every ORCA team across the country represented at the summit.

With the ongoing toll that organized retail crime has on both retailers and our communities in general, it’s important that we all work together to make these efforts successful and support the ORCAs and their mission. We urge you to learn more about the ORCAs in your area, and participate when and where you can.

We would like to once again thank all of those that currently support the Organized Retail Crime Associations across the nation, and for the support of the solution providers that took part in the Technology Innovation Summit.

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For the complete list of active organized retail crime associations and the role they play in supporting the retail loss prevention industry and the law enforcement community, go to

Organized Retail Crime Associations: The Complete List

Stay tuned to LPM for more updates in the weeks and ahead – and feel free to reach out to Jacque Brittain or Kevin McMenimen at LPM to see how you can get involved and help support the organized retail crime association in your area.

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