RFID technology allows companies to know where in their process any particular asset is, so they can monitor the speed of production, the time of delivery, or any other factor that will help them to see how long their processes actually take—and control assets by knowing where they are at any point in time.
As we increasingly turn to data for the insights that drive our decisions, we do so with the assumptions that the data is available to us, we can use it, and—even more importantly—that it is correct. None of this happens without excellent retail data management. (Bonus: LPM Podcast content!)
Why is it that some product protection technologies have been around and working for decades, while other retail loss prevention solutions only seem to work for a few months before offenders aren’t impressed?
Blue Line Technology has designed, developed, patented, and successfully brought to market a facial recognition and artificial intelligence software product called First Line that provides a non-intrusive, real-time identification verification.
Adoption of the retail robot is expected to accelerate as strategies are developed to justify the investment. According to market analysts, the most aggressive early adopters will be businesses that can show clear financial losses due to criminal activity and where robots can reduce risks to workers.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.