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Using Analytics to Maximize On-Shelf Availability and Supply Chain Processes

Data analytics has been one of the major technology applications driving the evolution of retailing. While many of the analytics platforms are focused on in-store operations, the same techniques can help retailers fine-tune their logistics and supply chain operations.

Security Theater: Feeling Safe at the Airport Does Not Make You Safe

Feeling safe and secure is a sentiment we all desire to obtain. We often reflect on investing in security systems and software for our...

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Loss Prevention Technology Articles of 2018

In 2018, readers wanted to know more about Rite Aid's crowdsourcing investigations tool, the top (FREE) tools to help with social media investigations, and what it's like to find and buy EAS detachers online as a shoplifter, among other technology topics.
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A Successful Asset Protection System Starts with a Holistic Approach

To successfully innovate today, LP leaders repeatedly emphasize the importance of reciprocity in relationships—forging a two-way bridge between LP and its business partners, between corporate planners and field operators, and between the future and the past.

Holiday Loss Prevention Tips: Make Sure You’re Ready for the Rush

During this critical time of year, every possible step that we can take to ensure a successful season must be planned and prepared, including our loss prevention plan.

The ‘Why’ behind Intellectual Property Theft Cases

It’s important to consider how a sense of entitlement can motivate wrongdoing, according to experts. For many of today’s workers, experts say, it’s not stealing at all—it’s leaving with what’s theirs.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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