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Organized Retail Crime (ORC)


Large Fencing Operation Busted in Las Vegas

Las Vegas police and retailers are currently in the process of cataloguing stolen goods recovered from a suspected fencing operation, with the value of the goods estimated at well over $1 million.

A Unified Front to Combat Organized Retail Crime

The New England Organized Retail Crime Alliance (NEORCA) recently held its annual organized retail crime (ORC) workshop at the Providence, Rhode Island Police Department.

Homeland Security Investigations’ National Lead Development Center Steps Forward in Fighting ORC | Ep. 70

Join us in this conversation with Homeland Security Investigations' Allen Vanscoy as we discuss the National Leads Development Center and their efforts in the fight against organized retail crime.

14 Arrested in North Carolina Retail Theft Investigation

The Sheriff’s Office in Buncombe County, North Carolina has charged 14 suspects with felony organized retail theft and recovered more than 4,000 stolen items from an area pawn shop.

Homeland Security Investigations Launches Operation Boiling Point

Homeland Security Investigations announced the launch of Operation Boiling Point focused on combating organized theft groups through the targeting of domestic and transnational criminal organizations profiting from ORC.

Senate Lawmakers Include INFORM Consumers Act in 2023 Defense Bill

If included on to the NDAA, online marketplaces would be required to take steps to verify the identity of high-volume sellers, and to provide some of that information to customers.
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Join Us for the Carolinas Organized Retail Crime Alliance Conference

This year the Carolinas Organized Retail Crime Alliance will be hosting their 7th annual conference on October 12 and 13. Join us to learn more about the upcoming conference.

Join Us for the Western States Organized Retail Crime Alliance Conference

Join the ORCAs in Action team to learn more about the Western States Organized Retail Crime Alliance Conference on September 28-29. This year’s conference will be a virtual event.

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