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Tom Meehan, CFI

Tom Meehan, CFI, is retail technology editor for LP Magazine as well as CEO of CONTROLTEK. Previously, Meehan was director of technology and investigations with Bloomingdale’s, where he was responsible for physical security, internal investigations, systems and data analytics. He currently serves as the chair of the Loss Prevention Research Council's (LPRC) innovations working group. Meehan is a published author of his book titled Evolution of Retail Asset Protection: Protecting Your Profit in a Digital Age. He can be reached at


Retail Theft: A Hidden Crisis

In this article, Tom Meehan delves into why retail theft is often downplayed due to the violation happening in public versus in homes, cars, etc., and strategies to combat the problem.

Social Media’s Effect on Asset Protection

The job of asset protection, which traditionally involved securing physical spaces, now has a digital element that adds a layer of complexity that can’t be ignored.

Euroshop 2023 Put Retail Tech on Display

From February 26 to March 2, more than 100,000 people from around the globe gathered in Dusseldorf, Germany for the largest retail event of its kind, Euroshop 2023.

The Top Takeaways from NRF’s Big Show 2023

They don’t call it the Big Show for nothing. There were over 35,000 people in attendance from all over the world to talk about retail, technology, strategy, and the future at the National Retail Federation (NRF) Big Show in New York City January 15–17.

Inflation: Return of the Dragon

In recent decades, many Americans forgot the economic disruption that inflation can bring. It has remained only a distant threat—until now.
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