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Shrinktoberfest Webinar: No Tricks Just Treats to Support Your Holiday Asset Protection Strategy

Join us for the pre-season push to gear up with our subject matter experts as we talk about internal theft trends, AP data analytics, and new ways to identify counterfeit currency.

NRF to Host ‘Fight Retail Crime Day’ Press Conference with Congressional Leaders

NRF is declaring October 26 Fight Retail Crime Day, and is convening retailers in Washington, D.C., to advocate for passage of the Combating Organized Retail Crime Act. 

Florida AG Files Charges Against 14 Retail Thieves Responsible for $20M in Loss

The criminal enterprise operated in at least nine judicial circuits and caused more than $20 million in losses to more than 20 different retailers across Florida, including Walmart, Target, Publix, Home Depot, Lowe's, and more.

RILA Calls for Federal Reserve to Adjust Interchange Rates to Reflect Actual Costs

Austen Jensen, Retail Industry Leaders Association executive vice president, government affairs, issued a statement ahead of the Federal Reserve’s meeting today where they will discuss lowering the interchange rate on debit transactions for all merchants.
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