James “Jim” Lee, LPC is the executive editor and cofounder of LP Magazine. He is a founding and current member of the Foundation board of directors serving on its executive committee.
Lee has over thirty years of practical experience as a retail security and loss prevention executive, including senior positions with Montgomery Ward, The Broadway, Lazarus, and Marshall’s. In addition, he is the founder of LPM Media Group, a consulting and training company that supports retailers with internal awareness programs, and LPjobs.com, the largest e-recruiting platform for LP professionals.
In 2010 Lee was inducted into the National Retail Federation’s Ring of Excellence, recognizing him for his pioneering contributions to the LP industry.
Lee is a graduate of Indiana University with a degree in forensic studies and sociology. He can be contacted at JimL (at) LPportal (dot) com.
The asset protection team at Home Depot has been dealing with a whole slate of evolving challenges in recent years. Here, Sarah Hix details her process.
The asset protection team at Home Depot has been dealing with a whole slate of evolving challenges in recent years. Here, AP leadership details their process.
I have described the past year as one big Groundhog Day for me. Get up, have breakfast, go to the office, go home, watch TV. Get up the next day and repeat.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.