Jacque “Jac” Brittain, LPC is editorial director for LP Magazine, the premier news and educational publication for the loss prevention/asset protection professional. Brittain also currently serves as director of learning design and certification for the Loss Prevention Foundation.
Prior to joining the magazine, he served as a director of learning design and certification for a leading e-learning platform where his responsibilities included design, development, and implementation of award winning e-learning content. In this role he also managed the development of the loss prevention industry’s only internationally sanctioned LP credentials—the LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC) courses in collaboration with the Loss Prevention Foundation.
Brittain previously served as vice president of operations for the largest executive search and consulting firm in the nation specializing in the retail loss prevention industry. Partnering with company leadership across the country, the primary mission involved the identification, evaluation, and assessment of our nation’s best loss prevention professionals to secure talent in key positions nationwide.
In his forty years in the loss prevention industry, Brittain has worked in various retail formats; holding positions with increasing responsibilities while helping build and enhance many different programs across the country. His diverse background provides a rich but unique perspective on the industry and the loss prevention community.
What does it take to be a true solutions partner? How do they go about approaching their business partners and establishing the foundation for real and lasting solutions—and relationships—with their loss prevention customers? For perspective and input, LPM turned to executive leadership from three leading companies to discuss some common themes.
Negotiations between retailers and solutions providers often begins with subject-matter experts, such as asset protection. But most retailers ultimately engage procurement professionals to negotiate the final contracts who may place reducing costs above achieving the right solution for a fair price.
Organized cargo theft incidents can occur at any point along the supply chain, whether at the point of manufacture, on loading docks, rail stations,...
The goal of the LPM 2019 survey is to provide an objective window into the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of loss prevention professionals at all levels of leadership regarding key issues that effect the safety and shrink performance in retail operations. The results will help see where field and corporate viewpoints agree and, more importantly, where they diverge that may require reexamination of our communications and training programs.
The expo hall allows the opportunity for loss prevention practitioners to meet with hundreds of solution providers demonstrating the latest in retail security and asset protection tools and technology.
“Over the next several days loss prevention professionals will have the opportunity to equip themselves with valuable industry knowledge, techniques, and the latest technologies so they can tackle their biggest loss prevention challenges” said NRF executive Bob Moraca.
The latest in source tagging trends and technology and robust discussions on recent developments in asset protection and product management were on full display...
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.