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Jac Brittain, LPC

Jacque “Jac” Brittain, LPC is editorial director for LP Magazine, the premier news and educational publication for the loss prevention/asset protection professional. Brittain also currently serves as director of learning design and certification for the Loss Prevention Foundation. Prior to joining the magazine, he served as a director of learning design and certification for a leading e-learning platform where his responsibilities included design, development, and implementation of award winning e-learning content. In this role he also managed the development of the loss prevention industry’s only internationally sanctioned LP credentials—the LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC) courses in collaboration with the Loss Prevention Foundation. Brittain previously served as vice president of operations for the largest executive search and consulting firm in the nation specializing in the retail loss prevention industry. Partnering with company leadership across the country, the primary mission involved the identification, evaluation, and assessment of our nation’s best loss prevention professionals to secure talent in key positions nationwide. In his forty years in the loss prevention industry, Brittain has worked in various retail formats; holding positions with increasing responsibilities while helping build and enhance many different programs across the country. His diverse background provides a rich but unique perspective on the industry and the loss prevention community.


Executive Summary: Retail Lessons from Spain

In an LPM webinar Friday, retail executive Todd Hooper offered a first-hand account of how the response has unfolded in Spain, along with suggestions for improving the US response. This post summarizes the discussion and provides links to the recorded webinar and podcast.

The Many Ways Customer Service Impacts Retail Revenues

Focused, friendly, and attentive salespeople that have the ability to successfully interact with customers drive business excellence from every possible perspective, making quality customer service an integral component of any successful loss prevention program. This is a shared goal that will have a direct bearing on sales, shrink, and overall business profitability.
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A Culture of Tradition and Change: Loss Prevention in Japan

Japan has always had a reputation for its fascinating, distinctive traditions. As an island nation with a long history of isolation, many aspects of the culture are immersed in a rich history and deep traditions dating back thousands of years. On the other hand, it is a country that continuously pushes new trends. The same is true for retail security.

Remembering John Selevitch

John was a well-liked, long tenured, and highly respected member of the loss prevention community, having dedicated his career to the profession and people that he loved.

Hilton Head Island Hosts this Year’s Loss Prevention Leadership Trifecta Event

The beaches of Hilton Head Island were hit with a wave of loss prevention professionals as the annual back-to-back-to-back asset protection leadership meetings took place at the Westin Resort in Port Royal Plantation to support the Retail Industry Leaders Association, LP Magazine, and the Loss Prevention Foundation.

Leadership Response to the 2019 Loss Prevention Survey

In this follow-up to the 2019 Loss Prevention Survey “The New Generation of Loss Prevention: Are We on The Same Page?”, we look to further digest and interpret the industry response. As part of this process, we felt it vital to hear the voice of industry leadership, including how today’s leaders reacted and responded to the results.

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