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Garett Seivold

Garett Seivold is senior writer for LP Magazine. He is a trained journalist who has been covering corporate security for industry professionals for over twenty years. Seivold has been recognized by several organizations for outstanding writing, investigative reporting, and instructional journalism. He has authored dozens of survey-based research reports and best-practice manuals on security-related topics. Seivold can be reached at GarettS (at) LPportal (dot) com.


Active Shooter Protocol for Stores

Retail stores, especially big-box and department stores, face a legitimate worry that an individual bent on inflicting mass casualties might pick their establishment to...

Loss Prevention, Stress, and Building a Resilient LP Workforce

In loss prevention’s desire to improve solutions and enhance performance, it can be easy to forget about the dangers personnel face, especially those non-acute risks that can cause problems over time, such as harm to health and well-being from stress.

Where Do We Go from Here? In the Wake of a Legal Setback, One Pre-Charge Program Points the Way Forward

What should the retail industry and loss prevention pros make of a San Francisco court finding that Corrective Education Company’s (“CEC”) pre-charge “restorative justice” program is improperly coercive and amounts to blackmail?

Rise of the Robots? Futuristic, Sure, but the Technology Is Also Here and Now

Robots in retail are a bit of a dichotomy—simultaneously ‘one day’ and ‘right now.’ We are, certainly, just scratching the surface of what mobile, autonomous machines will do.
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The Hacktivist Threat in 2017

If not before, when the President of the United States lobbed Twitter attacks against Nordstrom for merchandising decisions related to his daughter’s fashion line,...

It’s Not Just Employee Victims: Retailers Also Pay for Domestic Violence

A new survey of perpetrators of domestic violence makes it clear: store associates involved in abusive domestic relationships can’t leave their troubles at home. One-third...

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