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Garett Seivold

Garett Seivold is senior writer for LP Magazine. He is a trained journalist who has been covering corporate security for industry professionals for over twenty years. Seivold has been recognized by several organizations for outstanding writing, investigative reporting, and instructional journalism. He has authored dozens of survey-based research reports and best-practice manuals on security-related topics. Seivold can be reached at GarettS (at) LPportal (dot) com.


Cash Handling Procedures in Today’s Retail Environment

Today's cash handling solutions offer a maze of options, and at the risk of being distracted by cat videos, YouTube provides useful tutorials on the range of choices and a chance to watch units in action.

Old Expense Report Fraud Scheme Has Worsened With Time

Reviewing current and historical fraud data reveals an implausible finding: despite the refinement of company fraud prevention programs and a corresponding sophistication in employee fraud schemes, the old bogus expense report is a bigger problem now than 16 years ago.

AI Helps Retailers Root Out Fraud in Online Order Fulfillment

To retail customers on couches—if they were to give it a second thought—virtual shopping might seem magical. With a few mouse clicks or screen touches, they can conjure up just about anything to appear on their doorstep.

5 Tips for Conducting a Security Survey That Could Lead to More Value for Less Money

There are obvious ways to reduce the cost of security audits—piggybacking on other store audits, for example. But how else might retailers receive better value from store security reviews?

Loss Prevention Issues in Recent Research

Academics who examine crime and security-related issues aren’t always seeking practical solutions, but some recent research studies have pragmatic applications and impart actionable advice on relevant LP issues.

Are Your Solution Providers Following Data Security Best Practices?

There may be no better symbol of the nation’s modern, high-tech military as its fleet of predator drones. So it surely caused a few red faces at the Pentagon when it was discovered that insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq had used $26 software to intercept live video feeds from the unmanned planes.
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Loss Prevention Data: Who’s Responsible?

Listening to loss prevention leaders discuss their relationships with information technology (IT) departments and offer advice for strengthening them can seem a bit like eavesdropping on marriage counseling.

Item One on a Security Officer Job Description: Effective Communication

A few years ago, at a small company in Portland, OR, an employee who had earlier been placed on psychiatric medical leave arrived at the facility during the overnight shift. Unfortunately, word of the worker's status hadn't been passed on to the security officer on duty...

Why Using Influencers Could Enhance Your Company Safety Culture

You probably don’t follow Lady Gaga on Twitter, but you can probably guess that she has millions of followers. What’s surprising, perhaps, is how many people hang on the word of seemingly average folks.

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