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Garett Seivold

Garett Seivold is senior writer for LP Magazine. He is a trained journalist who has been covering corporate security for industry professionals for over twenty years. Seivold has been recognized by several organizations for outstanding writing, investigative reporting, and instructional journalism. He has authored dozens of survey-based research reports and best-practice manuals on security-related topics. Seivold can be reached at GarettS (at) LPportal (dot) com.


Retailers Increasingly Worried about ORC Statistics

Despite retailers reporting worrisome and worsening ORC statistics, resources to fight it may be on the verge of stagnating. Only 40 percent said their companies are allocating more resources to fight ORC, down from about half of retailers that noted increased spending in both 2016 and 2015.

EEOC News and Enforcement Trends

Data examining the broader security industry suggests that security personnel actually file about as many lawsuits against their employers as they spark because of something they did or did not do.

A Security Lawsuit Is a Legal Landmine

Nine seconds after three armed men entered a convenience store in Rochester, NY, one of them shot security guard Brian Brown in the face. “Thirty-six pellets went into my eye, the rest went into my head,” he told local WHAM 13 News. “They’re still in there.”

The Real Danger of a Hostile Workplace

Loss prevention and asset protection teams need to track and analyze incidents and investigate complaints of workplace harassment and bullying for any suggestion that race or ethnic discrimination is a contributing cause.
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Background Screening for Violence Prevention: What Checks Do Retailers Make? Are They Enough?

In the nation's third workplace shooting in 24 hours, a temporary worker at a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, MD, opened fire on her coworkers, killing three and wounding several others before shooting herself.

Reduce Employee Theft by Removing Opportunity

Not every solution needs to feed into the crime prevention arms race. An important foundation, say researchers and industry experts, is for retailers to assess whether their basic control policies and procedures might be inadvertently contributing to employee dishonesty.

Integrating Technology and Contract Officer Management

The convenience of today's app-driven world is all around us. Whether we're on the road, ordering a ride or mapping a route, or at work, creating notes, scheduling a meeting, or getting a reminder that we have a meeting, the convenience is there.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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