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What’s New?

What’s new? You, me, our jobs, our worlds—most everything. We’re all changing in a million different ways every single second of every day. Our cells are turning over and making way for new ones. Mentally, we’re reacting and adapting to the flux in our environment, whether personally or professionally. Family life is more complex—there’s even a TV show judging parenting skills—yikes! Our jobs are becoming more complex. The ways we consume information to stay on top of our jobs is flexing and stretching. It’s a lot.

2023 at LP Magazine will bring a few changes: all of them designed to help you on the job. We want to bring you the information you need—in one place—so that you can be successful and have fewer tough choices when it comes to consuming your information.

In this issue, we’re all about breaking down and simplifying an area that may have been confusing or even overwhelming for you in the past: trade shows. What are they? Why should you attend? What are those associations all about anyway? Credit where credit is due, Seth Hughes with REI approached me at the LPRC IMPACT conference last year and put a bug in my ear. There are many professionals out there who may not be aware of the different trade associations or what conferences are available. Some shows can be so large as to be rather intimidating others so small as to feel like an exclusive club. There are trade shows for all tastes and preferences, we get into the nitty gritty in these pages so that you can feel more educated and maybe consider attending a show outside your normal comfort zone. We think this issue will be one that our readers will use as a reference long after its initial publication.

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We are also introducing two new columns that we would love to get our readers involved in. “Something Good,” in our quarterly issues, highlights those unsung heroes in the loss prevention community who are selflessly giving back. This could be one person or a whole team, whichever it is, help us celebrate these folks in our pages. Another new column in the quarterly this year is “Career Center” where we will feature tips and career advice from industry experts. Have a passion for writing and want to share some tips of your own? Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts in writing. I have heard from so many people that they would love to contribute, but they are reluctant to put themselves out there. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back and will help you on your writing journey. Just reach out to We’d love to hear from you!

What else is in store for this year? We’ve added new Vendor Advisory Board members, made changes with the Editorial Board, and continue to evolve our content. You can look forward to our next special edition, back by popular demand, “Organized Retail Crime,” which again warrants its own dedicated issue. We’re also laser focused on bringing you original content that is timely and can help you make an immediate impact on the job.

A shout out and thank you to Tom Meehan for continuing to support LPM
with content and his perspective in his column “Retail Trends.” Our LPM e-newsletter continues to be the go-to for daily updates on what’s happening in the industry—Courtney Wolfe and Jacque Brittain are gurus at finding the stories that matter and reporting for you. Watch out for additional content from some new voices with different perspectives. We’re going to be busy this year, hitting the road with regional events to support your career development and exclusive webinar and podcast content—all geared toward keeping you in-the-know.

Adapting to new things can be tough but also exciting, and there’s no growth without it. LP Magazine has been here for you through it all over the years and we’re proud to continue that tradition and expand on that legacy as we grow. Here’s to change and growth in 2023!

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