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AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND NOW: Fictitious Pick-Ups—The New Strategic Theft in Retail

We hear so much about the merchandise and product loss that happens in stores, especially when groups enter in a coordinated effort to grab garments by the armful and as many pieces, boxes, and bags as they can carry out. What you hear less about is when those losses happen across the supply chain with thefts that are more than just product by the handful, but are full trailer loads stolen at a time. While it used to be a matter of just stealing a truck, or the opportunity to hijack a trailer at a truck stop, trailer theft has evolved to a complex and coordinated crime of fictitious bills of lading, brazen yard switches, and international networks of bad actors operating not with arms full, but at arm’s length, while stealing from manufacturers, distribution centers, and stores.

Watch on our YouTube channel the panel of guest speakers who are working diligently every day in their own organizations and within the efforts of The ISCPO (International Supply Chain Protection Organization) and The Supply Chain Coalition, as we discuss current trends, amazing cases, and the local and national legislative efforts being championed to fight back in this war on crime.

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Our Panel of Experts:

Scott Cornell

Scott Cornel is National Practice Leader, Transportation and Crime and Theft Specialist for Travelers Inland Marine. He has been in the insurance industry for 23 years with Travelers and is currently leading their Transportation division. Prior to his current role he conducted investigations for 25 years, specializing in cargo theft and transportation, internal theft, embezzlement, and corporate investigations. Scott helped create a fully dedicated cargo theft unit for Travelers and is a co-inventor of multiple patented processes for methods and systems providing customized risk mitigation and recovery to an insurance customer. He currently serves as the Vice Chairman for TAPA (Transportation Asset Protection Association) as well as the Vice Chair for the TIA Fraud Task Force. Scott is a nationally recognized cargo theft expert and has been an instructor and speaker regarding cargo theft and prevention at numerous events nationwide.

Glenn Master

Glenn Master is currently Head of Asset Protection, Security, and Crisis Management for McLane, the largest, privately held c-store and restaurant distributor in the U.S. He has more than 26 years of loss prevention and security management experience with specific expertise in the area of international transportation, supply chain and E-Commerce. Glenn is also the co-founder and current President of the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO), a global trade group that connects members from across a wide array of sectors that utilize the transportation and supply chain networks. He is a recognized presenter for both law enforcement and the private sector regarding global transportation security and is a published author on these topics. His educational background includes a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice from the University of Texas-Arlington.

Jessica Lowrance

Jessica Lowrance is currently Vice President of Public Affairs for United Parcel Service (UPS). Since joining the company in 2017, Jessica has grown her policy portfolio to include regulated goods, postal policy, The UPS Store, and the domestic supply chain. Jessica is also a member of the Supply Chain Coalition, a group of trade associations and individual companies working on supply chain theft. The coalition currently includes companies such as UPS, Union Pacific, Federal Express, DHL, and The Home Depot along with trade associations including the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) and the National Retail Federation (NRF).


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