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“We Push for Peace” Adds a Unique Twist to Traditional LP Programs

“We’re trying to show the communities that we serve that we’re here for them and understand the importance of working together. We’re here as a community partner—not just a business turning a profit.”

Ted Fancher III, LPC

That’s the message behind the “We Push for Peace” project, something that Ted Fancher III, LPC, divisional director of asset protection and safety at Whole Foods Market, is very passionate about. “As a non-profit based out of Minneapolis, the program began as a violence intervention initiative following the George Floyd incident and the community unrest that followed,” he says. “But as we continued to tweak the program with the support of our employees, customers, and communities, it has evolved into much more than we ever anticipated it would be.”

More than a violence intervention initiative, the program has a strong focus on community engagement with events such as annual turkey drives with the support of local police departments, back-to-school events that have provided hundreds of backpacks and nutritious meals for students, and the sponsorship of families during the holiday season.

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In the stores, the program looks to focus on the power of community to help managet LP challenges in troubled urban locations and establish a better relationship with the neighborhoods they serve.

“Rather than utilizing traditional guard services in these locations, we have a program that uses store greeters that welcome customers as they enter the store,” explains Fancher. “We hire individuals that live in that specific neighborhood who know the people and the players, making for an easy transition and a comfortable interaction. Depending on the needs and risks associated with the individual locations, we may also have a rotator that walks around and assists customers throughout the store, specifically in problem areas.”

A Unique Twist

However, the program takes an additional step that adds a unique twist to the program.

“For these critical roles, we’re hiring people that may have been down on their luck—people who have had some trouble finding jobs and deserve a chance to show their potential and make a positive impact,” he continues. “It may be someone who made a mistake or had troubles in their past. Maybe they did something minor they regret when they were eighteen years old and have had trouble finding employment over the last 10-15 years. ‘We Push for Peace’ can hire and train them to work in our stores, offering them the chance they need. It’s an opportunity to prove yourself, find meaningful work, and earn a living that supports your family.”

Fancher believes the program is not only proving successful but adds a positive message to the culture of the stores. “People can make poor decisions, but they’re very capable of learning from their mistakes. They deserve a second chance—and what they make of it is then up to them. Any way we can support our communities and guide the people in a better direction is a good thing—and the people are responding.”

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Employees are trained in proactive LP principles, customer service concepts, and de-escalation techniques. They are encouraged to have positive interactions and show all customers respect. It’s a community-based strategy intended to help redirect and better understand the customer’s purpose when they enter the store.

Creative Thinking

“Police officers in these communities are stretched too thin, and retail has to continue to evolve in creative ways to effectively deal with a changing society,” says Fancher. “That’s the beauty of it—these employees know the communities and the people. It gives us an opportunity to intervene before issues occur.”

The “We Push for Peace” initiative started in 2020 with three stores in Minneapolis and has grown to serve more than twenty stores in markets across the country, with more coming on board over the next year.

“It’s been a win-win partnership and a tremendous resource for us. Our employees love it. They like to see that we’re taking creative approaches. They believe in the purpose of the program and the message we’re sending, and it’s paying huge dividends in these communities. We’re very excited about what we’ve accomplished thus far and look forward to seeing what it brings as we move forward.”

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