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Voting for the 2020 Outstanding LP Awards Closes June 12th

LPM’s The Hall is a new awards program designed to recognize, celebrate, and reward those in and around the retail loss prevention industry, honoring achievement and excellence across a variety of categories—including a Hall of Honor for lifetime achievement. Click on each award category below to see the qualifications and the list of finalists.

Award Categories

Hall of Honor for Lifetime Achievement

Less a Hall of Fame, and more a Hall of Honor, The Hall celebrates the lifetime achievements of those industry leaders who have contributed so much to benefit the industry they have served. Cutting the path for those who have followed, they are leaders of innovation, design, process, and policy, who have led an exemplary career, served as masters of mentoring, and shared with others to help elevate the profession by enhancing the industry, giving back, and paying it forward for those who will carry the torch for the next generation of loss prevention leaders.

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