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The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces New Board Members

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) has announced the selection of its newest board members to assist in governing and providing strategic direction for the Foundation. James Cosseboom, LPC and Mark Stebbe, LPC have accepted the nominations and have been approved by the LPF board to serve on the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Each new board member must demonstrate their support for industry-specific loss prevention certification. They must have a passion for improving our professional perception as an industry and feel professional certification is a critical step in achieving that goal.

“We are very excited to have Jim and Mark join the Loss Prevention Foundation Board of Directors. The LPF continues to strive for a broad range of industry perspectives from those that are on our board so that we can serve the LP/AP industry in an informed and comprehensive manner,” said Terry Sullivan, LPC, President of LPF. “Jim and Mark have shown their commitment to improving the loss prevention/asset protection industry through supporting the LPFs educational initiatives and both currently hold the LPCertified designation (LPC).”

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Mike Lamb

In addition to the election of new members of the Board of Directors, the LPF would like to announce the appointment of Mike Lamb, LPC to the board’s Executive Committee.




For a complete list of the Loss Prevention Foundation Board Members visit:
LPF Board of Directors

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