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ON-DEMAND: Homeland Security Team Explains How They Fight ORC

As Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) helps to lead the fight against organized retail crime (ORC), retailers are partnering with HSI and a network of government agencies supporting ORC investigators and driving investigations that also look at the ancillary opportunities for criminal charges that will help in crippling and dismantling these criminal networks. In this presentation, the HSI team shares how they are ramping up their efforts to work with retailers and create public-private partnerships, and how these partnerships help fight ORC.


Speakers: Raul Aguilar; Al Giangregorio, acting division chief of the financial and fraud division in Washington DC; Tom Welch, unit chief of the financial crimes unit in Washington DC; Billy Melton, program manager for the financial crime unit in Washington DC; and Robert Skidmore, a special agent in Houston.

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This presentation is part of LPM’s January ORC BLITZ, which provides updates on the current status of the retail industry’s fight against ORC. In addition to HSI’s presentation, the Retail Industry Leaders Association will be presenting on their push for the INFORM Act, and asset protection professionals from Nordstrom and Walgreens will share how they keep their stores safe amidst the rise in ORC.



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