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Tag: wz

How to Maintain Employee Morale While Fulfilling Your Responsibilities

Revisit the previously recorded video with Amanda Weaver, CFI, PHR on the balance of maintaining positive employee relationships while also fulfilling your responsibilities as an investigator. 

How Working Alongside Researchers Can Improve Your Interviewing Skills

Revisit the previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss how professionals in the interviewing field can work alongside researchers to improve their practices and why this is so important.

How to Interview Subjects from Different Cultures

Revisit the previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss the difficulties of conducting interviews with subjects from another culture and the different ways messages can get lost in translation.

Why Rapport Is Important in Interviews

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss the importance of rapport and why it can't be faked or rushed.

Why Human Resources and Loss Prevention Should Train Together

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss the benefits of cross-training between loss prevention and human resource teams.

Decoding ‘I Don’t Remember’ in Investigative Interviews

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss how the phrase "I don't remember" doesn’t mean an interview subject is withholding information, with tips on how to adapt.

How to Become Proficient in Your Skills

Revisit the previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI and Chris Norris, CFI as they discuss progressing from learning a trained skill to becoming proficient in that skill.

How to Prepare for Your First Investigative Interview

Revisit this previously recorded discussion hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI as they offer tips on how a first time interviewer can prepare before their first case.

IAI Holds Largest Elite Training Day in Its History

Could it have been the perfect fall weather or the central location in Chicago that drove attendance this year?

The Influence of Bias in Investigative Interviews

Many of our opinions are driven by a variety of cognitive biases. In this article, learn how bias can influence investigative interviews.
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