Tag: theft shoplifting
Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?
The crime of shoplifting is as old as shopping itself. The first documented cases of shoplifting took place in 16th-century London and involved groups of men called “lifters” (early organized retail crime?).
LPM Insider’s Top 5 Shoplifting and Organized Retail Crime Articles of 2018
In 2018, readers were most interested in posts about organized retail crime associations, offender perspectives on self-checkout theft, and the latest research on loss prevention analytics applications.
Shoplifting Response, Reaction, and Recourse
Since the earliest days of organized retail, there has been a recognition of the unique exposure that retailers have to crime and loss. We...
LPM Insider’s Top 10 Articles of 2018
These 10 articles received the most reader attention in 2018. Make sure you don't miss them!
RESEARCH: Retail Theft and Loss Prevention Analytics
Who shoplifts? There is no typical profile of a shoplifter. Based on our experience of interviewing offenders, shoplifters can be male or female, of any race, as young as five or well into their seventies.
A Closer Look at Los Angeles Crime Trends
Changing trends and new reporting practices have shown a recent uptick in Los Angeles crime statistics. A recent article in the May-June 2018 issue looks closely at that data in the context of the larger conversation about Prop 47.
2018 Sensormatic Global Shrink Index Compares Shrink Rates Across 14 Countries
The Sensormatic® Global Shrink Index is a culmination of research that measures worldwide retailer performance, allowing retailers to benchmark their shrink rates to others in the same vertical and region.