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Tag: surveillance video

Employee Fires Shotgun into Customers’ Car at Drive-Thru

A Wendy's employee has been charged after Charlotte-Mecklenburg police in North Carolina say he fired a shotgun into a car whose occupants got into...

Employee Charged with ‘Intent to Murder’ for Running Down Suspected Shoplifter

A 29-year-old store clerk charged with running down a suspected shoplifter with his car faces charges of kidnapping and armed assault with intent to...

Shoplifting Suspect Stuffs $2,790 Worth of Lingerie down His Pants [Viral Video]

Two thieves stolen almost $3,000 in underwear from a Lakeland, Florida, Victoria’s Secret, police said.  On June 2, the man and woman duo were...
retail security solutions

Execs Reveal Their Top Retail Security Solutions and Strategies

Sometimes, new retail security solutions or strategies cut costs far beyond what LP was thinking would happen. In other cases, cost savings disappoint. A national study by SDR/LPM looked at this expectation gap.

Shopper Falsely Accused of Shoplifting to Sue after ‘Walk of Shame’

A Michigan woman says she is planning to sue Target after she was falsely accused of shoplifting a Southfield, store and forced to expose...
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