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Tag: supply chain security

Loss Prevention Certification

Loss Prevention Certification

Profession pr -fe-sh nn: a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as well as...
LP Transformation at Limited Brands

LP Transformation at Limited Brands

LP Magazine recently had the opportunity to talk with three senior leaders of Limited Brands, one of the nations most prominent retailers with 3,800...

Visualizing Supply-Chain Security

Earlier this year, a firestorm of public outcry was set off with the announcement that the Dubai-based ports operator DP World would take over...

A New LP Challenge

Every retail loss prevention professional is familiar with the traditional avenues through which loss occurs. Shoplifting, both amateur and professional, employee theft, and refunding schemes are...

What Will It Take to Secure Our Global Supply Chain?

Trust is a word not often associated with the concept of homeland security. It’s commonly used, however, in describing the partnership between our industry...

Retail Leadership Redefining the IMRA

EDITORS NOTE: Sandy Kennedy is president of the newly renamed Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), formerly International Mass Retail Association (IMRA). She came to...
Securing the Supply Chain Against Terrorism

Securing the Supply Chain Against Terrorism

Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, a tremendous amount of attention and resources have been focused on preventing the smuggling of weapons onto aircraft...
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