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Tag: store security

Crisis Response Training

Advanced Crisis Response Training is Required to Handle Protests

In the past, retailers considered public demonstrations to be a police matter and relinquished the development of response plans to the local level. Retailers...
crisis management plan

Ensuring Retail Store Safety with the LPRC

Retailers want employees and shoppers alike to feel secure in their establishments. But violent crime has been surging in recent years. The Loss Prevention...

NRF PROTECT 2016 Day 1

NRF PROTECT 2016 is officially under way at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. Featuring 2 ½ days of compelling educational sessions, networking opportunities...

Improving Store Security: Considering Facial Recognition Quality and Cost

Facial recognition technology could provide huge benefits when it comes to retail store security. When used properly, someone caught stealing can be stopped by...

Helping LP Move at the Speed of Business

Sponsored by NRF PROTECT Shelley Row has performed extensive research on executive leadership, including conducting 77 in-depth interviews with top executives. What she discovered was...
electronic article surveillance system

Where Next for Electronic Article Surveillance?

Marketing textbooks tell us that every product, brand, and technology has a life cycle. First, there is the launch and introduction, then a period...

NSSF Debuts Store Security Audit Program for Retailers

The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms industry, is pleased to announce that it is now offering a day-long...

“Fight for $15” and Loss Prevention Concerns

Editor’s Note: We wrote about it back in June, but the “Fight for $15” campaign for a higher federal minimum wage in the United...
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