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Tag: shrinkage

RFID technology radio frequency identification

RFID Technology and Its Use in Asset Protection

RFID technology allows companies to know where in their process any particular asset is, so they can monitor the speed of production, the time of delivery, or any other factor that will help them to see how long their processes actually take—and control assets by knowing where they are at any point in time.
inventory shrinkage definition

Beyond the Usual Inventory Shrinkage Definition: Total Retail Loss

There is little consensus on what constitutes “loss” within the retail world nor how it should be measured. The terms “shrinkage” and “shortage” have been loosely applied to encapsulate some of the areas that generate loss, but they are not terms enjoying a clear and agreed-upon definition across the sector.
retail theft statistics

Shedding Light on Retail Theft Statistics

The NRSS indicates that shoplifting accounted for 35.7 percent of the reported shrink in 2017, which is down from 39.3 percent in 2016.

Retail’s Big Self-Checkout Problems — and How to Solve Them

The ECR Community Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group recently conducted a two-year study on identifying self-checkout problems and their associated risks to the bottom line.
rfid case study

10 RFID Case Study Companies and Lessons Learned

GS1 and the ECR Community Shrinkage and On-Shelf Availability Group commissioned a research study to look at 10 RFID case study companies.
workplace theft prevention

The Moral, Societal, and Legal Obligation for Workplace Theft Prevention

At first, this may seem like an issue that involves only the retailer. However, the decision to ignore generally accepted cash and merchandise controls has far-reaching implications.
bad packaging design

3 Principles to Help Your Team Counteract Bad Packaging Design

Few things are as frustrating for a loss prevention leader than discovering a bad packaging design they know will promote retail shrink— a feature which could easily have been prevented.
what causes shrinkage in retail

What Causes Shrinkage in Retail? Addressing the 4 Top Causes

Not every loss prevention tool fits the needs and budget of every retailer. However, a combination of tactics makes an impact and reduces a store's shrinkage.
manufacturer to retailer

From Manufacturer to Retailer: Product Protection Is Everyone’s Job

Solutions to address theft and loss are often led from the retailer side of the partnership, but manufacturers do face responsibilities when it comes to product protection. From manufacturer to retailer, product protection is everyone's job.
Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting is often viewed by professionals and amateur thieves as a low-risk versus high-reward business. As experts have documented, many shops and stores do not do enough to dissuade the rational criminal, who scans every environment for an opportunity.
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