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Tag: shrinkage

target loss prevention programs

Target Store Loss Prevention Programs

Target store loss prevention programs come in a variety of names, shapes, sizes, and formats.
bad packaging design

Bad Packaging Design Can Lead to Shrink

Few things are as frustrating for a loss prevention leader than discovering a bad packaging design they know will promote retail shrink— a feature which...
Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime

Booster bags, or so-called “magic bags,” continue to be one of the more popular shoplifting methods used by professional thieves. These foil-lined carriers work...
loss prevention manager job description

9 Leadership Functions That Should Be in Every Loss Prevention Manager Job Description

In many professional fields, such as legal, technology, and finance, one can expect to find commonalities among the practitioners. These professionals share certain certifications...
grocery store magazines

Losses and Costs Associated with UK Grocery Store Magazines and Newspapers

We are all familiar with use of the word “shrinkage” to describe the losses experienced by retailers, although it is impossible to find any...

Creating a “Culture” of Loss Prevention to Reduce Shrinkage (Digilock)

Policies and operations may be the foundation of a loss prevention strategy, but it takes significant cultural change, input from all levels of employees,...
retail innovation trends, asset protection system

All Together Now

The giant course correction hitting retail now appears pointed squarely in one direction—toward technology. It was the sum and substance of presentations at the...
loss prevention requirements

The Three Amigos

Exemplifying the True Meaning of Solution Provider Partner: An Interview with Kevin Lynch, Mike Grady, and Rex Gillette

Offenders Adapt; So Must We

Whoa, what's that?! No way. That's a reaction we want from would-be offenders when thinking about initiating a crime attempt on our property. We're often...
rfid case study

RFID and Retailing

Since the term radio frequency identification (RFID) came into common usage within the retail environment, around the end of the 1990s, it has in...
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