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Tag: shoplifting

los angeles crime

A Closer Look at Los Angeles Crime Trends

Changing trends and new reporting practices have shown a recent uptick in Los Angeles crime statistics. A recent article in the May-June 2018 issue looks closely at that data in the context of the larger conversation about Prop 47.
Retail Theft Statistics, Fraud Statistics

Shoplifting Continues to Rise – 8 of Past 10 Years, According to the Annual...

Over 432,000 shoplifters and dishonest employees were apprehended in 2017 by just 21 large retailers who recovered over $188 million from these thieves, according...

The Cult of Technology in Asset Protection: LP/AP’s Adoption of Multidisciplinary Concepts

As technological advances have occurred in other domains such as computer science, the realm of capabilities in our LP/AP world has exploded. However, all too often, there is a willingness to believe that technology offers a panacea.
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